Tango is one of those dances that I have always wanted to learn. And thanks to Groupon, I was able to try to learn to tango at the Century Ballroom.
Our classes were made up of a mix of singles and couples. Though at first it felt awkward, our instructors made this mix work by having us switch partners after each song or new step learnt. This constant switching allowed us to experience different types of leaders and followers. Some of the leaders had a good sense of the steps and rhythm while others were so-so or added an extra movement to the step.
I did a total of 3 out of the 5 lessons. And along the way, I found I had a problem or rather a slight phobia (?). I am slowly reverting to that young child that doesn’t like cooties or maybe it is what I call in my head, the “Howard Hughes’ phobia.” I’m sure you remember Howard Hughes who become so panorioid about germs that he lived as a recluse the last years of his life.
I will try again but first I need to learn to get over this slight phobia of cooties. Or maybe I need to find a dance class where we dance as individuals.