First, there was the San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon, vacation, and then recovery!
This Rock ‘n’ Roll Half was fun though I knew I wouldn’t PR due to my surgery in May, not being motivate and able to train like I normally do. But it was fun to spend the time with BJ, my son-in-law. He, of course, did his in 2:16 while I did mine in 3:11. Not my best time nor my worst but I also knew without training properly for it, I figured on around 3 hours to finish.
I do think this is their biggest turn-out for all of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Series. I was floored by the amount of people moving around during the race and afterwards. And as always, this event is well planned out. Now if they could get the weather to cooperate that would have been even better. It was humid and hot which is unusual for San Diego.
Vacation deserves a whole post by itself so please read my post on Vacation 2014 once I get it finished.
After vacation, I immediately flew to Tampa Bay, Florida for a workshop for my business. They call the room in which the event is held in “The War Room.” It is well-named as 20 of us sat through 2 1/2 days of mind blowing step by step talks on how to build a team. I’m certainly looking forward to putting all this new knowledge to work in growing my own real estate mortgage team.
These last two months, running again took a somewhat backsit to the rest of my life. I’m glad to say I did run while on vacation so I have been able to get miles in but not as many as I normally do in a month.
It did take me about two to three weeks to get back into the groove of training as jet lag took a toll on my sleep and whole body.
I started training again with my running coach, Steve, but instead of doing one-on-one, I am doing his group training with his SoleRunners. I’m so glad I decided to do my training this way this time as I’m having so much fun. Though it is a drive for me to train with them, I am finding that in the first few weeks with them, my pace is getting better and I have a lot less aches.
Instead of running miles each week, we run by time which is new for me but I’m settling into this way of training. One advantage of this is we all get back around the same time. Another advantage as with every group of runners, we all run at a different pace so there is always a couple of runners who run at your pace. You always have someone to run with. Also there is a huge emphasis on loosing up before we start running and stretching via yoga after we are done. These are normally done as a group which again makes it fun.
Also with SoleRunners, there always seems to be several splinter groups that runs at least 3 other days during the week. I have found these are fun to do as well even though it means a long drive through traffic for me.
I am finding that my love for running has reached another level of enjoyment for me. Is there something that you love to do that has become even more of an enjoyment for you by doing something a little bit different? Tell us! We would love to know.