My 60 Things
- Run the Marine Corps Marathon 2016
- Zip Line. Completed October 10, 2010 thanks to Cindy Bingham and ZipTrek in Whistler, BC.
“Run” the 2011 Rock N Roll Half Marathon (I have had to walk some of the last two ones due to injuries). Debb Whitlock, Joyce Leslie, Donna Canterna, and David Zarza will be doing this race with me. Side Lined Due to Injury June 22, 2011
Run the 2012 Seattle Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon – Left IT Band problem but finished it by walking June 25, 2012
- Downsize my possessions.
Run four half marathons in 2013, again. Completed Pasadena (2/13), Seattle Rock n Roll (6/13), Eugene Women (8/13), Los Angeles Rock n Rock (10/27), and Las Vegas Rock n Roll (11/17) Halfs.
- Celebrate my accomplishments, every one of them-even the small ones.
Do a plank for 1 minute. Completed April 28, 2011 and again in November 2013.
- Do side planks for 1 minute-like Joyce Leslie does (she makes me sick).
Run the 2012 Portland Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon. Completed May 20 2012 with the Portland Hotties
Do a Ragnar Race. Completed July 20, 2013
- Learn to live in the moment.
- Do a weekend silent retreat, either with the Buddhists’ monks or at the convent. Debb Whitlock wants to go as well.
Do four half marathons in one year.Complete October 28, 2012
- Go on a trip with my granddaughter.
Each day for the next 365 days write one thing that I am grateful for and one thing that made me laugh. Completed 2014
- Go out on the sky walk that encircles the pinnacle of the U.S. Capitol Dome. (Anyone who can help with this, I’d greatly appreciate it).
- De-clutter my clothes closet and streamline my clothes.
Spend two weeks with the orangutans in Indonesia. Re-did this-Completed in October 2011–spent 3 days/4 nights on Borneo Island with the orangutans with the rest of the time in Bali.
- Organize digital photos.
- Be consistent in my Rodan + Fields business.
- Read a book to embrace Zen (suggests anyone?)
- Ship half of my mother’s china to my sister. Completed September 14, 2010
- Ship some of my grandfather’s books to my cousins who want them. Completed September 20, 2010
- Plan a trip with my daughter-where does she want to go besides DisneyWorld.
- Have buff arms.
- Do a handstand for 1 minute
- Stand on my head for 5 minutes
- Learn to share my goals.
Run 800 miles in 2013. Completed 804 miles!
- Travel solo to some place for the weekend-most likely to Victoria Island.
- Enjoy life.
- Walk the Camino De Santigo
- Go to the Galapagos Islands.
Do a marathon in 2015. Completed March 2015
- Trapeze flying. Warren and Betsy Talbot and Katy Woodworth will be doing this with me. And Karen Rosenzweig will be cheering us on Completed August 3, 2010 Did this at Emerald City Trapeze (Seattle, WA) and recommend them highly.
- Run 1000 miles in 2016.
Go to Snoqualmie Falls Completed July 9, 2011
- Finish a half in 2:40 in 2016.
Learn to run trails 2014. Completed 2015
Take a Duck Boat tour Completed June 5, 2011
- Run a marathon in 5 1/2 hours.
Spend a weekend in Portland, Or. Complete May 20, 2012
Learn to blow glass Completed March 19, 2011
- Publically document the year of accomplishment for 60 by 60 project
- Learn to take great pictures
- Be confident to have great pictures taken of me
- Become a better story teller
- Write down my life’s stories
Do the weightless air tube Completed May 2012
- Finish my will
Volunteer Completed May 5, 2011
- Write about my friends or people I know and admire that do great things
- Meditate daily
- Go to Scotland and Ireland.
Take the Amtrak from Seattle to Los Angeles. Completed July 23, 2013
- Personal (only a few know)
- Personal (only a few know)
- Personal (only a few know)
- Personal (only a few know)
- Personal (only a few know)
Wow, Betsy!
That’s some list! Very impressive. I LOVE ziplining and I used to stay at a beachfront hotel every year by myself the weekend before school started.
Have fun!
Wuhoo Betsy! You can cross one off that list already:
#28. Learn to Share my goals!
Well done sista! I’m so inspired. It’s never too late, you’re never too old, and each day is a new opporunity for us to really LIVE our life. One baby step at a time toward what we love – that’s what gets us there. I’m so excited to see how things move for you!
Thanks for sharing this with the world!
Margit, where did you do the ziplining? It is something I want to do but besides going to Vancouver, is there a place here in WA that you can do this? And thank you, Margit. It’s been fun putting the list together. The first 20 was easy. The rest is getting harder to figure out.
Yep I went to Whistler to do it. I think I’ve heard there’s ziplining here in WA, but I forget where.
Margit, if you happen to remember the name of the place in WA, please forward on to me.
And thanks for all of your support!
Thank you, Sylvia! It has been a lot of fun to do this. It’s been a real learning experience for me so far.
Remember, Hawaii is in your future. Set the date! Make it real!
I am also quite impressed with your drive. I’m on board – count me in as one of those people who will be here to help you reach your goals or support you in whatever way you need.
Here’s one from my list: do a cartwheel. Do you have any desire to do a cartwheel? I remember when that was one of my loftiest goals. I was probably about 10 years old, but I was not so coordinated.
You are on your way!
Donna C
Thank you!
I will join you in doing a cartwheel. It’s now #34! And we can get Joyce to do it with us. She just told me that she couldn’t do one last weekend. So when I see her next Wednesday, I’ll tell her she needs to be on board with us.
Betsy, impressive list!
Thanks, Cindy,
It’s been fun putting it together though now it is getting a bit harder. But I still have about a little less than 4 months left so I should be able to add the rest in. It just won’t be as fast as the first 30.
Is there anything you have wanted to do but just haven’t yet? Why not state it and put a date to it? You’d be surprised when you realize you did it.
I love all of this. Let me know if you need help with number 13th, if you can help me with number 5.
Oh, Beth, thank you so much! I do need help with number 13. I ran 4 miles this morning and I figure I did 3 miles in about 37 minutes. So I know I have to shave off like 7 minutes to make this. Right now, I’m almost ready to run with you guys. I’m not hurting as much. I see the PT lady tomorrow. I’m hoping it will be the last one for awhile.
And yes, I can help you with number 5. I’ll be attending a seminar next month with this guy who was the top trainer at Tony Robbins’ group. So I’ll take notes for both of us. It includes doing video which you are perfect for.
Yeah, I love this!!!!
I ADORE THE DUCK BOATS!!!! go in the summer or spring though!
Margit, Cindy Bingham has volunteered to go with me on the Ducks. I’m so excited. I’ll have to see when she can go.
We will take pictures.
I can help you with #2 and join you for #40…
Cindy, thank you so much!!!! I haven’t a clue where to go for ziplining. And having you along for the Duck Tour, what fun that will be! We will have to make sure we take pictures along the way. Let’s talk next Sunday after our run.
What a great concept. Talk about getting others to know like and trust you …
Thanks, Paul.
I started this mainly because I wanted to grow personally and I felt that by writing it down, I would do this. But what I’m finding out is that all these people want to support me, help me and in turn, I’m helping others to move out of their comfort zone and stretch as well.
It’s been a wonderful experience for me and I know it will be even more so as time goes on.
So what is the one thing that you would like to do that you haven’t yet?
I think that you’ve nailed it! Very exciting stuff. As for my goals, if I had to name one thing that I’d like to do that I haven’t mastered yet …. Be an example to my family of what it’s like to live a life filled with passion, while giving it your all.
P.S. Sounds like you all “kicked it” in CA this past week. I would have loved to be there. Hopefully y’all will share with your fellow MMAs … ;D
How ’bout learning to scuba dive? Just a suggestion!
Hi, Ted,
Also when I was being certified, the instructor had to keep putting more weights on him to keep me down so I could finish going through the certification with him. I kept trying to pop up like a top. It was disheartening as I love the water. But every chance I get to snorkel, I do.
I did learn how to scuba dive about 10+ years ago. But I found I got claustrophobic.
Thanks for the suggestion and if you can think of more, please do!
Say “hi” to Anne for me.
I’d love to do the Portand weekend with you.
Great list!
Happy Birthday, see you Saturday!
So glad you and Marian came to the party. Let’s start planning the Portland weekend soon as I’d love to do that with you and Marian.
Talk soon!