Interesting Tidbits from Jakarta

Jakarta is like any big city, lots of cars which equates to traffic. But rules of the road are simply what I would call “king of the road.” You need to be as aggressive as possible if you want to get into a lane even if there are 5 others cars surrounding you also wanting that lane. Horns honk, drivers inch forward, and, somehow, your driver manages to squeeze the car into a three inch space between the cars before shooting out. Then the jostling starts again. As you trust in your driver, you are amazed that the cars around you don’t have any dents in them.

Hotel security is at high alert. Before our car was allowed into the drop off area, the car was checked for a bomb underneath the carriage, the doors and the trunk were opened, and a bomb sniffing dog was walked around the car. The first gate was opened before we were stopped again briefly at a second gate.

At this point, we were allowed out of the car where we entered another security area. In this area, our bags were sent through an x-ray machine. Upon retrieving our bags, a policeman stood guard with a machine gun.

Leaving this last security area, we then walked up the original driveway noticing the different wedding plaque wishes. Candice and I thought they rather looked like what we, Americans, would send for a funeral.


Candice and I are probably as opposite as two people can be. Though some would think this would grate when traveling, surprisingly we do make a good traveling companions. Our difference in style can be so strikingly opposites that all we can do is laugh at ourselves. And laugh and laugh, we do!

20110918-091323.jpg This is Candice’s things

20110918-091403.jpg This is mine things

20110918-091431.jpg At last organized.

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The Long Trip To Jakarta

A start of the trip is always exciting especially when it is to a place to where you have never been before as well as have spent so much time planning.

This trip is even more so as in some ways I’m going in honor of my mother who loved to travel. If she had been a bit younger, she would have loved to come on this trip with me.

As with most travel to foreign lands, the trip there and back is a long haul. From the time I left Seattle to when I arrived in Jakarta, I was “in-transit” for 45 hours.

Not all of it was spent at airports and on an airplane. When Candice and I found out that we couldn’t get our tickets early so we could sit in the Star Alliance lounge, she called the “AirTran” hotel to see if we could get their special room rate so that we could lounge in the hotel room. This way we could chill, shower (me) before boarding the plane for the long flight out to our first lay over, and basically catch up as well as be silly.

Since we were flying different airlines, I flew out two hours ahead of Candice. I then waited the two hours at the Jakarta airport for Candice.

My 16 hour flight took me to Bangkok, Thailand for my layover. As with most business/first class lounges when you travel internationally, there are showers available. That, in itself, is a delight after being cooped up in a plane for that long.

But the highlight of the this flight and layover was the Muslin ladies in the lounge. You couldn’t help but notice them. The older Muslin ladies had their mouths cover with a paper shield while the younger ones were listening to their music on the iPhones while laughing. These ladies were on their way home to Dubai.

They were gracious to allow me to take some pictures with them. And even one of the older ladies took off the paper shield to allow one of the other younger ladies to have their picture taken with me. Then they wanted me to try it on along with their scarf and have my picture taken so they could take it with them. While this was going on, all of us were laughing and exchanging a little bit of information of where we were from and where we were going.

A smile, a greeting, and/or a laugh is all it takes to make the tiniest of connection.

–pictures will have to on this one as I can’t upload from iPhone to here.

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Number 40 – Crossed Off – Take a Duck Boat Tour

Do you find that you rarely take advantage of all the fun, cheesy things to do in your own city? Do you only do the touristy things in your city when you have out of town guests visiting? Have you dropped your guests off at a fun touristy spot while you head back to work?

I’m guilty of all three.

I can always find reasons why I shouldn’t go play tourist in this beautiful city of Seattle and worse, I find those reasons on sunny days when Seattle is at its very best.

I only went up in the Space Needle for the second time a few years ago because family came into town and it was tops on their list. The first time was just after the World’s Fair. I was about 12 at that time.

And yes, I’ve dropped people off to see our beautiful city while I went back to work.

We all see the Duck buses travel around the city. Most of us wave and smile at the people on the tour. That is why I put “Ride the Ducks” on my list. It is not only very cheesy, it’s always seemed like it would be a lot of fun to do.

Cindy Bingham and I took our “Ride the Ducks” tour with Captain Beaudous. He was filled with all sorts of pun type of jokes as well as interesting tidbits of information about the City of Seattle.

We traveled from Westlake Center past the Elephant Car Wash where Elvis Presley had his cadillac washed during the filming of “It Happened at the World’s Fair”. Captain Beau swore to us that on the mantel at his daddy’s house was a picture of his daddy, Elvis and the caddy.

We crossed Aurora Bridge so that we could take the bus/boat into Lake Union. Captain Beau told us that there is a limit on how many permanent house boats allowed. The rest of the house boats on the lake are movable.

After the “cruise” around Lake Union, we headed back to Seattle. We went past the Space Needle down to the waterfront. Captain Beau told us that the Coleman Dock has burned down twice which is why there is a Fire Department right next to it now.

Then it was on to the “old” part of Seattle. Do you know where the name Skid Row comes from? Loggers use to “skid” the logs down Yessler Street and rolled them into Elliot Bay.

As we neared Pike Street, Captain Beau told us not to forget to check the “used gum” wall in the lower level of Pike Place’s Market. Yes, you did read that right. Apparently, there is a wall where you can stick your used gum on. Gross, yes, but what six year old wouldn’t love to be able to stick their gum on a wall without reprimand.

Then it was back to Westlake Center as we all learnt some moves to the song Saturday Night Fever.

Cheesy but loads of fun!

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Number 18 – Re-Worked – Spend Two Weeks with the Orangutans in Indonesia

I originally thought it would be a great experience to spend time being able to assist in the rehabilitation of the orangutans on Borneo Island. As I did my planning and research, I found that spending two weeks doing this would cost me a great deal of money. But I still wanted to be able to see the orangutans and observe them in their natural habitat.

I did more research and found that one could hire a klotok that travels slowly up and down the river. This gives one the ability to sight and then watch the orangutans in their own habitat from the river as well as visit the ones who are still being rehab-ed at Camp Leahy. This sanctuary was the first to start the rehabilitation of the orangutans and sound the alarm as these primates slowly started to lose their world to loggers clearing their habitat.

My journey to Borneo will start in a little over 24 hours. I’ll try to post as much as I can as Candice, my BFF, and I travel to Borneo and then on to Bali.

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Number 3 – Rock n Roll Half Marathon – Been Sidelined

As the Rock n Roll Half Marathon got closer, I began experiencing more problems with my orthotics or so, I thought…

Our training started to include running more hills and sometimes, steeper ones. Some days, the runs were easy. Others, it was impossible to go more than a mile even when the routes were flatter.

With this up and down of being able to run then not, I made numerous visits to the foot doctor to have my orthotics re-adjusted. Some of the adjustments were minor such as the split padding to protect my sesomoid bone irritated the bottom of my toe box after I had done 8+ miles. While others have been, this isn’t working at all and my whole right shin and muscles ached after a mile or two.

After several of these visits and as my mileage plummeted from 8+ miles to around 1 mile with my leg muscles being sorer than they should be, my doctor ordered me to get a bone scan this past week to rule out a stress fracture.

Thankfully, no stress fracture but the picture wasn’t pretty. My femurs (thigh bones) and my left tibia (shin bone) showed the beginning signs of stress to those bones. And my right tibia showed serious signs of stress.

My doctor highly recommended that I bow out of doing this half marathon as I could risk having a major stress fracture or a break in my right tibia by running these 13.1 miles.

In fact, he recommended taking 8 to 12 weeks off from any high impact exercise to allow my bones to heal. The doctor also ordered a bone density test since I have never had one.

This test revealed that I had the beginnings of osteoporosis in my right femur. Since they only do the test from the spine down to the femurs, they can only surmise that I also have it in my right tibia. I also have osteopenia (pre-osteoporosis) in my left femur.

I am hoping that this doesn’t permanently sideline me from running but only time will tell. I do know that if and when I can re-start training, I will have to change the way I train. I will have to include more strength training and be much more in tuned with my own body.

In the meantime, I will be walking, swimming, riding my bike, and upping my strength training during the next 8 to 12 weeks.

And to everyone who has supported me as I trained for this Rock n Roll Half Marathon, thank you.

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Rock n Roll Half Marathon

The Rock n Roll Half Marathon is almost four weeks away.  It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since the last one. Training has been gearing up with longer runs, making sure our weekday runs are done, and staying injury free.

My biggest goal for this half marathon is to not only start this race pain and injury-free but to end it that way.

The first year I ran this half marathon, I had a stress fracture on my inner sesamoid bone on my right foot.

I fractured the inner sesamoid bone

As a result of that injury, I spent almost 8 weeks in a plastic boot after the race. This was followed by several weeks of walking as I got use to my new orthotics. When I was finally able to start running, it was just for a few minutes before I had to walk. This run/walk was repeated over several more weeks allowing me to slowly increase my running time and decreasse my walking time.

Soon I was running again and training for my second Rock n Roll Half Marathon. As that half marathon drew closer and our training runs meant 8, 10, 12 miles, my IT Bands started to flare up around both knees. I found myself

IT Band

walking and/or not being able to finish those training runs. I took myself to physical therapy. I found out I had been running more on the side of my right foot as I was unconciously protecting my now-healed fractured. I had to conciously correct my stride as I worked to strengthen my IT Bands.  

Though I did do my second  Rock n Roll Half Marathon, my IT Bands weren’t strong enough to prevent the aching and the pain around my knees as I ran this race. 

This year, I have been, hopefully, preparing myself much better. I have been doing a lot of core work as well as strengthing my leg muscles especially around my knees. But as our training runs got longer,  I started to have foot problems and IT Band issues again.

Since I didn’t want a repeat of a stress fractured on my sesamoid bone, I made a quick visit to the podiatrist for some x-rays. No re-fracture but I had badly bruised that bone. A cortisone shot was given to relieve the pain as well as some adjustments to my orthotics. I was also told my running shoes were the wrong ones for my feet. 

My new shoes and adjusted orthotics

After a few weeks of running with my new shoes, a couple more adjustments to my orthotics, and several hours with ice bags on my knees and feet, these last training runs are becoming more and more pain free. 

June 25th is fast approaching. I plan to enjoy my third Rock n Roll Half Marathon–pain free and more important, injury-free!

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Number 7 Crossed Off – Do A Front Plank For One Minute

If you have ever tried to do a front plank, you will know it is not the easiest exercise to do. And this is especially true if you don’t have that much arm and core strength.

Front Plank

Dr. Oz suggests we should be able to hold one front plank for at least a minute as part of our overall exercsie program. Joyce Leslie, one of my running buddies, told me she wouldn’t let me run the Rock n Roll Half Marathon until I could do my one minute front plank.

At first, I was lucky if I could hold myself up for 10 seconds. Sixty seconds was an eternity. I started trying to do these planks twice a day to build up the time. Slowly, I was able to build up to 15 seconds, 30 seconds, then 45 seconds. I even made it finally to 55 seconds.  But that one minute eluded me as I just couldn’t hold it before my arms and shoulders gave out.

Then in March, I started TRX Training with ForwardFitness. TRX is all about core strength and incorporated into that is legs, arms, abs, and back strenght training. The instructors have us doing planks from an exercise ball, push-ups from an exercise ball, push-ups from a Bosu and, yes, just regular front and side planks besides all their other exercises that build up your core.

After several weeks of this training, I am proud to say that on April 28th, I finally did an one minute front plank.

I will have to show Joyce soon. If I don’t, Joyce will make sure I show her on the morning of the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in front of all those thousands of people.

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Number 43 Crossed Off – Learning How to Blow Glass

I’m fortunate to live in a city that now eclipses Murano Island in Italy as the place for glass blowing. This is due partly because we have one of the most famous glass blowers, Dale Chihuly, here in Seattle.

Glassblowing has always held a fascination for me. The ability to form an extremely hot blob of glass into a beautiful object by twirling, blowing, adding color and then repeating this over again until the object is exactly what is imagined mesmerizes me. I can spend hours just watching the master glass blowers do their magic. 

When Groupon offered a coupon to try my hand at a lesson on glass blowing, I immediately jump on it.

Though this lesson was very short, it was fun to be able to pick out an object I wanted to help create. I had originally thought I would do some type of glass bowl but as I thought more, I wanted something for my desk at work.

I decided on a glass heart–a reminder to always keep my heart opened to all sorts of possibilities.

Blue Glass Pellets


Now that I had decided on what to create, the next stop was to pick out two colors. Of course, red would be the appropriate color but their red wasn’t a true red to my eyes. Instead, my eyes were drawn to the dark blue and white square pellets of glass. 

Once the colors were picked out, I was able to step in the “hot” shop area. A glob of glass about 6 inches long and about 4 inches diameter is heated up, rolled and then molded into a rectangle on a metal table. It was at this point that the colors were pressed into this hot glob. It is then reheated several times to blend the dark blue and white pellets into the clear glob of glass.  

Hot Glass Blob


The master glassblower then starts to shape it before you are allowed to blow a hollow space into your piece of glass. The heating, shaping and blowing are done several times and each time, the glass is slowly molded into the desired heart shape.

Blowing Glass

Almost done

My Blue Heart

After the heart shape is achieved, it is then mounted to a base and cured for two days.

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Getting there!

Today, I ran in the Seattle Seahawks 5K at The Landing with Donna Cantera and Cindy Bingham. It was the first time I’ve been able to see how my very sketchy running and strength training has helped me run faster.  

For me to qualify for SunTrust 1/2 Marathon in Washington DC next March, I need to do a timed 5K at or under 31 minutes by December 31, 2011. My last timed run was the Jungle Bell 5K in December 2010. That run I did in 44:05 minutes or 14:05 minute/mile-not even the best of my timed runs.

But today was different. Yes, I haven’t been sticking to my training like I should. Yet,  I felt ready when I woke up this morning. My knees haven’t been bothering me as much. Whether this was from a combination of some strength training and/or acupuncture, I’m not sure. All I know is my knees aren’t hurting as much when I run now.

This morning, my only concern was the rain. The weather reporters has been calling for a rainy Sunday. My wish for it to hold off came true. Besides some misting on the way to The Landing, the skies were just cloudy with some sun breaks. Perfect running weather.

I’m proud to say that with all conditions being so good, my time said it all. I did this 5K in 34:29 minutes or 11:07 minutes/mile-almost 10 minutes better than last time. I was also #2 out of 28 other ladies in the age group of 55-59.

This has given me a huge boost to stay the course along with a reminder that…

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step.”
                                                                                      -Lao Tzu

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As you know, I’ve been downsizing and ridding myself of “stuff” I’m no longer using or need. But with the passing of my mother, I find myself upsizing. I’m having a hard time letting go of some of her “stuff”.

How does one decide what to keep or not to keep? Do you give the ones you don’t want away or do you sell them? Do you keep the items that mean something only from your childhood even though that memory is flitting or what about the items from later on in your life?

Here are just a few of my Mom’s things that have been tugging at my memories of her from my early childhood. 


Mom's Rubbings

The first time we lived in Bangkok, Thailand, my mother learnt how to do Thai Temple Rubbings. Though I have several of her rubbings framed and on my walls, I couldn’t get rid of the ones that were rolled up and tucked in her closet. In those loose ones were more from Thailand as well as the ones she did at St. Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai Peninsula and at the Maharajah’s palace in India.

Another item was her tea/coffee china set with a  large platter and bowl. She used these for those afternoon ladies’ gatherings when we lived in Japan in the

Cup and Saucer from Mom's China Set

Cup and Saucer from Mom's China Set

50s. I didn’t realized that she had most of this set still intact and put away above her refrigerator. I’m not sure where she purchased this particular set but the memory has been with me for as long as I can remember.

Perfume Bottle

Mom's Perfume Bottle

And then there are the items she kept on her dressing table. For a little girl, they were fascinating items. And even as a grown woman, they still fascinate me. This particular perfume bottle was always there. I have no memory of the scent from this particular perfume bottle nor of  my mother using it. The bottle was just there no matter where we lived.

For some years now, I have had some of Mom’s things mixed in with mine. Though nothing can take the place of our mothers in our hearts, these new items give me great comfort and help ease the ache in my own as I go through the grieving process of losing her.


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