Out with the old….

Every year as we get closer to the new year, I tend to spend a week going through all of our financial paperwork and start the process of gathering the necessary documents our accountant will need to do our taxes. This process allows me to clean out my office, re-organize, and generally, do a “do I really need to keep this piece of paper or folder.”

But over the last few weeks, I decided to finish what I had started when Warren and Betsy Talbot, Married with Luggage, stayed with me-get rid of “stuff” that has been collecting dust over the years. You know that “stuff”  we had to have but no longer need or want. That “stuff” we just can’t bear to part with until we open that box and wonder why in the earth we have kept it so long in the first place.

I remember when I left my parents’ home to go to college come back here in States (we were living in Bangkok, Thailand when I graduated from high school.) I had 2 suitcases and 1 footlocker to my name. But now I have duplicates of tools, numerous light bulbs that don’t even go to this home, Christmas lights to light several homes, empty Christmas boxes, sewing machines and just stuff that has me shaking my head and thinking, “where do all of this come from?”  How did we accumulate all of this? And worse, it is just collecting dust and taking up space all in the name of “I need this” or “so and so gave it to me, I can’t possibly part from it.” The problem is I can’t possibly use most of this stuff or want to use this stuff over the rest of my life.

So I have been slowly selling these items on Craigslist or donating to the various charity organizations. My goal is to have one steel shelfing unit which will house all the stuff we need to keep. Unfotunately, I don’t think I’ll be able to make that goal though I know I’ll get very close to it.

Even though I’m not quite done yet, my house fills lighter and my mind feels clearer like cobwebs being swept away.  And I’ve been told by Diane Easley, HomeGoddess and Feng Shui expert, you lose 10 pounds and it opens the door for new, exciting “stuff” to happen.

Besides the lightness around the house, the potential to lose 10 pounds (who couldn’t stand to lose 10 pounds), and new, exciting “stuff”, I’ve noticed a lightness around myself, a more openess to explore different avenues, and a more “yes, I can do this” attitude.

I can’t think of a better way to start a new year. Lightness in the house, 10 pounds lighter, and more important, a clearer mind to accept and embrace  all the new, exciting “stuff” coming my way.

What a great way to embrace a new year!

This entry was posted in 60by60, Accomplishments, Goals, Inspiration. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Out with the old….

  1. Betsy Talbot says:

    Betsy, you might just be the one person I know who couldn’t stand to lose 10 pounds! :)

    I’m so glad you are following through and lightening your load as part of your 60×60 plan. It will be hard without the taskmaster there to crack the whip, but I know you can do it. (And selfishly I keep thinking there will be more room for us to move back in at the end of 4 years….mwahahaha).

    Happy new year, my friend. My all your dreams come true.

    • Betsm51 says:

      Oh, I really would like to lose those 10 pounds! You and Warren would be so proud of me with all that I have gotten rid of. I’m really tossing stuff out, sorting, and organizing. But mostly I’m tossing and it feels so good.

  2. margit says:

    congrats, Betsy! I’m terrified to sell on Craigslist. Seems overwhelming!

  3. Marcia Bartlett says:

    Worked on my garage today and got it down to what I will sell at my spring “mondo garage sale”, stuff to go to the dump – like tomorrow, and made a place to hang up my bike. The car will go in the garage after the garage sale! Wow does it feel good!

    • Betsm51 says:

      That is great, Marcia! I have a table saw to get rid of that has been collecting dust and dirt in my garage. Right now I am able to park my car in there but I want to clean the windows, swept it out real good, and get rid of some garden stuff that is just sitting in there. Tonight I did my office closet. I can’t believe the stuff I keep. I can now get my whole body in there while I fax or get my copies off the copy machine.
      And yes, it does feel so good!!!

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