
I do hope this new year is treating everyone well.

I ended the year with clearing out a lot of “stuff” from the house that has just been collecting dust. I’m still not done with all of that but it has been very freeing to have most of that stuff gone.

While I was doing that, I did a lot of thinking about where I wanted to go in my career. I thank Debbie Whitlock, Karen Rosenzweiz, Katy Woodworth, Shari Spence Fox, Sylvia Taylor, Candice Busch, Cindy Bingham, Joyce Leslie, Karen A Yoshitomi, and Donna Canterna for taking the time to listen, give advice, and most important, support me as I rambled, rambled some more, and went around in circles. I so appreciate you and thank you. I am honored to know you. You are all totally amazing.

After much thinking, I decided to move to a new mortgage company, Absolute Mortgage, that is more supportive, more progressive, and so positive in an industry that has been full of negativity over the last 2+ years. I officially joined them Monday, January 17 and I am well pleased I made the decision to be a part of their family.

I have also been working on my list. Right now, I have been mostly working on the physically items.

Of course, I have been running most weekdays and weekends, inspite of still having some pain in my knee. On these runs, I have been working on lowering my minutes per mile and endurance as I’m still working towards getting myself qualified for the Washington D.C. 1/2 marathon for next year ( number 13.)  I will start training “officially” for the Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon on February 5th  (number 3).

I have also been working on the regular and side planks, number 7 and 8. I am only able to do a regular plank for about 30 seconds and as for the side plank, well…about 3 seconds! And yes, Joyce, we can start doing them before and after our Saturday runs.

Number 25, buff (and stronger) arms will probably take me most of the year but I am, I think, slowly seeing some definition. And of course, we must not forget about number 41, seeing Brain and Brent at Emerald Trapeze. Besides needing stronger arms, I am also working on my core so that doing the catch will be a breeze.

Some of the other items I have been working on is doing research on the silent retreat, number 12, and the trip to see the orangutans in Jakarta, number 18. Both of these need major funds to accomplish them so I am slowly putting the money away for both of them.

And lastly, I did purchase a Groupon on glass blowing which I will probably schedule to do either February or March. That is number 43 on my list.

That is just a quick update on what I’ve been doing towards accomplishing the items on my list.

How are the items on your lists going? Have you been working on them? What have you learnt about yourself from focusing on them?

This entry was posted in 60by60, Goals, Inspiration, Journeys, Running. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Updating….

  1. Candice J Busch says:

    You are amazing!!!

  2. Betsm51 says:

    Hi, Math Games,
    I’m not a techno-geek. But I am sure Word Press does work in Firefox.

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